Targinta was founded based on the discovery of a unique target protein for the treatment of aggressive cancer

About Targinta

Targinta develops tumor-targeting antibodies and ADCs for aggressive cancer. The pipeline is based on the in-house discovery of a novel patent-protected cancer target, integrin α10β1, selectively expressed in aggressive cancers, such as triple-negative breast cancer and glioblastoma, both with very high unmet medical need.

Targinta has built a strong position in the ADC-field, an area that has grown very fast in recent years with several market approvals. With first-in-class drug candidates in a hot area based on a novel patent-protected cancer target, Targinta's ambition is to enter into pivotal partnerships to accelerate the development of our new cancer treatment through clinical development and to patients.  

Tumor-targeting antibodies are becoming increasingly important within oncology. They act with higher selectivity on the tumor compared to chemotherapies and thus have the potential to be more effective as well as safer. Tumor-targeting antibodies can be divided into two main groups. The first group consists of monoclonal antibodies which act either by blocking functions important for the survival of cancer cells, or, by pointing out the cancer cells to the surveilling immune system. Today, about 30 monoclonal cancer antibodies are marketed for different indications such as lymphoma and breast cancer. The total value of the market is expected to reach USD 70 billion by 2025.

The second group of tumor-targeting antibodies is the so-called antibody-drug conjugates, or ADCs, wherein the antibodies are used as cancer-homing carriers for extremely potent toxins. The toxins are selectively delivered to the cancer cells expressing the target, but not elsewhere in the body. ADCs are thus monoclonal antibodies armed with powerful toxins that can be delivered with precision to the cancer cells. ADCs often have stronger effects and may also be better tolerated than standard of care chemotherapies. The ADC technology has advanced tremendously in recent years, and led to several market approvals. The total value of the ADC market is expected to increase to USD 20 billion by 2028.


Targinta was founded based on the in-house discovery of the unique cell surface protein, integrin α10β1, which is highly expressed in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and glioblastoma, but with low expression in normal tissues, except on cartilage cells.

Test tubes in laboratory


Management and Board


Other senior executives are Gunnar Telhammar, CFO.


Business Development

Targinta's business idea is to develop innovative cancer drugs targeting specific target molecules that are expressed in invasive and hard-to-treat cancer.

Drug candidates develop to a point where they can be attributed a significant increase in value, followed by partnerships or licensing agreements. The goal is to enter into partnerships as early as possible, preferably already during the pre-clinical development phase, in order to accelerate the development of the Company's products and reach patients and the market as quickly as possible.

With innovative drug candidates in a hot field based on a unique proprietary cancer target, Targinta sees good opportunities to enter into early and decisive partnerships.

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Investing in Targinta


We have a unique and patent-protected drug target

The company was founded on the discovery of a unique target molecule, integrin α10β1, which is expressed in solid, aggressive cancerforms such as glioblastoma and triple-negative breast cancer, but hardly at all in normal tissue. The discovery has allowed for very strong patent protection, with Targinta able to prevent other companies from developing similar products. Based on this, Targinta has built a pipeline of novel antibodies and ADCs targeting Integrin α10β1.


We are well positioned within the hot ADC field

Toxin-armed antibodies, ADCs, are a field that has made significant progress and seen several market approvals in recent years. As a result, pharmaceutical companies compete in building their ADC portfolios. The number of preclinical and early clinical ADC deals has quadrupled in the past 15 years and the total value of the ADC market is expected to reach US$33 billion by 2030. Targinta's ADC candidate TARG9 takes full advantage of the benefits of the new generation ADC technology that enables the selective delivery of highly potent toxins to tumor cells.

Read BioStock's article on the ADC field.


We have great potential for early partnership deals

Targinta aims to enter into important partnerships to accelerate the development of the Company's new cancer treatments. With extensive patent protection of a unique target molecule and well-positioned drug candidates in a hot area, where many commercial deals are being made at the preclinical stage, Targinta sees great potential to enter into early partnerships for its products.


Our latest company presentation

Presentation at BioStock Investor Meeting


Listen to Evy Lundgren-Åkerlund, CEO of parent company Xintela and CSO of Targinta, present Xintela and Targinta at BioStock Investor Meeting on March 16, 2023. Targinta presentation starts at 08:41 min.

Previous presentations


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Laboratory environment
Office space with laptop on a table

If you want to get in touch with Targinta, please feel free to send an email


Medicon Village
223 81 Lund, Sweden

+46 46 275 65 00


Scheeletorget 1
223 81 Lund, Sweden


Medicon Village
223 81 Lund, Sweden

Copyright © Targinta AB